The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) “is the only national organization dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction. ACTFL is an individual membership organization of more than 12,000 foreign language educators and administrators from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry.” |
The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL) is a multi-language association of pre-kindergarten through university teachers, representing 14 states in the northeast region. Although nominally a regional association, its activities, publications, and annual conference attract participants from around the country and the globe. |
Member organizations of The Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL) and the National Council for Languages and International Studies (NCLIS) are united in their belief that all Americans must have the opportunity to learn and use English and at least one other language. |
The Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) conducts research to inform foreign language pedagogy, develops language teaching and learning materials and assessment procedures and provides an array of educational opportunities for language professionals. |
The Center for Applied Linguistics is dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of research-based information, tools, and resources related to language and culture. The CAL website has a wealth of information on testing and assessment. |
National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL) provides leadership in support of successful early language learning and teaching. This site contains valuable resources for educators, parents and policy makers. |
The non-profit National Language Resource Centers of the U.S. Department of Education’s Title VI program have a huge variety of resources available for teachers. |
The role of the Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) is to improve the nation’s capacity to teach and learn foreign languages effectively. |
The National Capital Language Resource Center is a joint project of Georgetown University, The George Washington University, and the Center for Applied Linguistics. |