CAPS Rubrics
Consortium for Assessing Performance Standards
A New Jersey FLAP Grant Project
By clicking on the links below you can access the rubrics that were created by the CAPS project. The rubrics that are found here were developed during the three years of this project and are based on the ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners. The criteria listed in each rubric come directly from the Guidelines. At the novice and intermediate level an attempt has been made to use student-friendly language. Thus, the criteria have been re-stated in terms of a question that the student would ask him/herself while completing the assessment task. At the pre-advanced level, the language of the rubrics closely corresponds to the language in the Guidelines. By the time students reach this level, they have had extensive experience with the novice and intermediate rubrics so that they are ready to understand the criteria as defined by professionals in the field. These generic rubrics were used by teachers as they wrote their own task-specific rubrics.